David Zhang

Dawen Zhang, 章达闻, /Jhang Dawen/

Postdoctoral Fellow, Software Engineer @ CSIRO's Data61

[contact] @ [this domain]

Research Interests

Software and its Engineering - my research area is Software Engineering for AI, with particular interests in Fairness, Privacy, and Copyright. I look at these issues primarily from the perspective of Software Architecture. I believe in addressing software problems at their root causes, rather than building stacks of solutions that only mask the underlying issues. The problematic mindset extends beyond software, and can be found in other areas such as policymaking, education, and management. I focus on identifying and resolving these challenges.


Software Testing Series for COMP6445 at ANU 2022 S1
I taught Software Testing for Advanced Computing Research Methods at ANU.

Blockchain Software Architecture Tutorials for COMP6452 at UNSW 2021 T2
I taught 2021 T2 intake and designed the tutorial content of COMP6452.

I casually tutored a few other courses, and I also have strong background in Operating Systems (I'm a UNSW AOS alumnus), Game Development, and Object-Oriented Programming.


I worked as software engineer across various sub-areas in IT industry, and I am full-stack, with particular expertise in these followings:

Backend - I worked as backend software engineer using Golang, NodeJS and Python. I contribute to the LoopBack project, an enterprise-level NodeJS API framework open-sourced by IBM. I implemented the polymorphic relations feature of LoopBack 4.

Frontend and Mobile - I worked as frontend software engineer and mobile app developer in software companies. I use a range of technologies including React, Vue, Flutter, and native. I also mentor engineers and graduates, who hereafter have found jobs in top tech companies.

DApps - I have strong expertise in blockchain development including Solidity and Web3 framework. I mainly focused on software architecture and trust mechanism, and I technically advised multiple blockchain startups.

Games - I was a game developer in a startup. I spent my whole undergrad on game development and game design patterns.

Animation & Video Production - I am an animator and VFX artist by training. I make animations and videos for product demos and ads.


Doctor of Philosophy, Australian National University, 2021 - 2024, supervisors: Dr. Zhenchang Xing, Mark Staples and Xiwei Xu

Master of Computing (Coursework & Research), University of New South Wales, 2018 - 2020, supervisors: Dr. Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu and Helen Paik

Bachelor of Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2013 - 2017